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Dollar East Mansehra Branch Branch Details

Address: +92 997 390575

Phone Number: +92 997 390573-4 +92 997 390575

Services: Money Exchange Services

Website: dollareast.com

Dollar East Contact: 03 111 222 156

Dollar East UAN: 111 900 200

Dollar East Contact Details 

Customer’s Feedback & Complaints
Tel: +92 55 4239871
Email: complaint@dollareast.com
Head Office
97-A Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92 42 35960912 , +92 42 35960917
Email: info@dollareast.com
Marketing & Business Development
Tel: +92 42 35960912, +92 42 35960917
Email: marketing@dollareast.com , director.marketing@dollareast.com
Human Resource
Tel: +92 42 35960912, +92 42 35960917
Email: hr@dollareast.com
Tel: +92 42 35960912, +92 42 35960917
Email: mgr.estb@dollareast.com

About the Company

Dollar East is a leading exchange company in Pakistan. It is a private limited company withauthorized capital of Rs. 1 Billion and paid-up capital of Rs. 900 million. The Company is one ofthe pioneers of currency exchange and international remittance business in Pakistan. When theState Bank of Pakistan established exchange companies in 2002, Dollar East was the secondexchange company to be awarded permission.

Dollar East works under the regulatory authority of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). It is an A- category exchange company and is authorized to deal in the business of currency exchange and    inward/outward remittances.

Dollar East currently operates a network of 44 branches in 29 cities which are strategically located in all high potential areas. The company has aggressive plans to expand its branch network to other areas of Pakistan. Dollar East is a customer focused company and has always offered and maintained products, services and policies aimed at best satisfying the customer needs. The infrastructure, systems and procedures are regularly reviewed and improved to ensure that the customers are provided with fast, convenient and reliable service.

The Company operates within the provision of national and international law. It is working closely with the regulatory authorities to promote the awareness and implementation of all regulatory requirements. It is fully aware and responsive to its role and responsibilities in the international anti-money laundering drive.

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